Sunday, April 11, 2010

6 How do you pack abs FAST! Get rid of belly fat! How to get ripped abs

For training myFREE build muscle and burn fat as fast as lightning! Key Strategies for Food Ripped ABS 6-pack is the hallmark of a broken body. No fitness or figure competitor would take without it. However, for those of us who did not win the genetic lottery when it comes to flat abs, reached a 6-pack is not as easy as AB exercises and watching what you eat. Hunker down and instead you optimize your diet to perfection. Try these 10Strategies and soon you'll want bathing suit season will be to 1. Eat often This should be an easy solution, but some people literally set on their BlackBerry beeps when it's time to eat. When you eat, you burn calories (thermogenic effect of food) and we end up less hungry later. Skip a meal and to determine the date of your next meal to eat too. So, what you remember to eat, and often takes time. 2nd Drinking green tea extract in combination with caffeine increases energy expenditure(Calories). Studies have also shown that green tea ordinary consumers in a better position, their weight must be maintained. The researchers theorized that weight maintenance is easy to increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation. Tea has many other advantages, and then you can not go by adding tea to your diet wrong. If you prefer, try an energy drink with green tea extract and caffeine 3rd Be one of the Sugar Free Products How many people have the packs of chewing sugar or whiteSweet, so ...

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